Thu, 11/30/2023
Дирекция «Ульяновск- литературный город ЮНЕСКО» рада представить открытки «Пушкин в Симбирске», созданные при поддержке Президентского фонда культурных инициатив в рамках проекта «Ай да Пушкин!»
Эти открытки можно смело назвать картами с альтернативными туристскими маршрутами. Ведь каждая из них вдохновляет на путешествие по Ульяновску, а еще на изучение истории пребывания в нашем городе Александра Пушкина. Набор открыток, например, получили счастливчики-участники интеллектуального квиза ЗБС, ответив на вопросы дирекции
Эксклюзивный продукт создан совместно с художником-иллюстратором Павлом Клементьевым. Он привнес в эту историю свой уникальный творческий взгляд.
«Сюжеты рисовались по старым фотографиям. Очень важно, чтобы городские здания были похожи на те, которые стояли во времена Пушкина. Потому что сейчас где-то что-то подремонтировалось, где-то цвет поменялся. Конфигурация здания изменилась. Небольшая сложность была в том, что фотографии были черно-белые, и непонятно, какого цвета здания тогда были. Поэтому рисунок как бы выходит из черно-белой фотографии: он серо-голубоватый с вкраплениями», - рассказал Павел Клементьев.
Mon, 11/27/2023
Вспомним яркие моменты квиза "ЗБС", где команды интеллектуалов получили в подарок открытки "Пушкин в Симбирске". Открытки созданы в рамках проекта "Ай да Пушкин!":
Каждая из них - это увлекательная история в формате шуточных иллюстраций о Симбирске Пушкинской эпохи со старинными кулинарными рецептами на обороте. Не все здания существовали во время приезда Пушкина в наш город, например, здание Дворянского собрания, но вместе они составляют интересный туристский маршрут, рассказывающий о Симбирске XIX века
Организаторы проекта: дирекция «Ульяновск- литературный город ЮНЕСКО», Ульяновский областной художественный музей и АНО "Центр развития и поддержки креативных проектов "Симбирск". Договор ПФКИ 23-2-017106.
Fri, 11/24/2023
On November 2, at the invitation of UlSU, the Directorate of Ulyanovsk - UNESCO Literary City addressed international students
The event became a part of the socio-cultural adaptation of international students. During the meeting, the head of the directorate, Elena Cherkas, spoke about the rules of behavior in public spaces of the city, about respect for the state symbols of the Russian Federation.
Special attention was paid to respect for the monuments and patriotic places of the city, as well as the rules of conduct during the holidays. The issues of law and order and responsibility for illegal actions were discussed separately. The event was held within the framework of the project "Interethnic and cultural dialogue of the peoples of the world to strengthen friendship and form a hospitable image of Russia."
At the end of the meeting, the participants talked about participating in cultural and sports events.
Wed, 11/15/2023
On November 16, the luckiest ZBS-quiz players will receive “Pushkin in Simbirsk” postcards
The postcards were drawn by Pavel Klementyev, Ulyanovsk artist and published in a limited edition.
The postcards are a part of the “This is Pushkin!” project dedicated to the 190th anniversary of the great poet’s visit to our city. The initiative is supported by the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives (PFKI agreement 23-2-017106) Organizers: Ulyanovsk UNESCO City of Literature, Directorate, Ulyanovsk Regional Art Museum, Center for Development and Support of Creative Projects "Simbirsk" Autonomous Non-profit Organization.
Tue, 11/14/2023
Fri, 11/10/2023
Students from India and two students from China who came to Ulyanovsk under the exchange program took part in the tour.
The tour started with a visit to the studio where they watched the process of stone working and had a conversation with the craftsmen. They learned new fascinating facts: for example, simbircite stone is often called the “Volga region amber” because of the stones’ similar color.
We would like to thank the Center for Stone-Cutting Art of the Ulyanovsk Region of the Folk Art Enterprise "Ammond" for such an informative tour for the foreign students!
Ulyanovsk UNESCO City of Literature Invites Students from India and China to visit the World’s Only Museum of Simbircite. The Museum is situated in Ulyanovsk
Inside the Simbircite Chamber the students saw unique art objects – a throne made of simbircite, the Firebird and Cornucopia mosaic, the Stream of Energy fountain, a special collection of ammonites including the biggest sample of the Volga region and other exceptional stone art pieces.
The guests were impressed with the showpieces and enjoyed the tour – they have learned about a truly unique stone found exclusively in Ulyanovsk region.
We would like to thank the Center for Stone-Cutting Art of the Ulyanovsk Region of the Folk Art Enterprise @ammondofficial ("Ammond") for such an informative tour for the foreign students!
Thu, 11/09/2023
Ulyanovsk UNESCO City of Literature, Centralized Library System of Ulyanovsk organized the “This is Pushkin!” open class in cooperation with the Gymnasium №2
The children learned many fascinating details about Alexander Pushkin’s visit to Simbirsk and the history of our city, got to hear the legends about Simbirsk and learned about the Pushkin’s connection to our city.
The first-graders enjoyed the ‘time travel’ class! They will now read the Pushkin’s works with a greater interest!
“This is Pushkin!” Project is implemented with the support of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives. The organizers of the project: Ulyanovsk UNESCO City of Literature Directorate, the Ulyanovsk Regional Art Museum and the “Center for Development and Support of Creative Projects “Simbirsk” Autonomous Non-profit Organization. PFKI Agreement 23-2-017106.
Fri, 11/03/2023
We want to tell you about the interesting project "Convenient literature"
The project under this name was created by Elena Novichkova, a resident of the Ulyanovsk region, who won the Tinkoff Bank grant competition for social initiatives
Already in early autumn, thanks to the grant, seven benches of all colors of the rainbow appeared, and even with illustrations. They are dedicated to famous poets and writers whose names are associated with Simbirsk - Dmitry Minaev, Nikolai Yazykov, Ivan Goncharov, Sergei Aksakov, Nikolai Karamzin and... Alexander Pushkin. As you remember, 190 years ago it was in Simbirsk that the great poet collected materials about the uprising of Yemelyan Pugachev
Elena "caught" the desire of many to read outdoors, combined carpentry and literature. Her husband, a novice carpenter, and schoolchildren from the village of Arkhangelskoye in the Ulyanovsk region joined the project. And the Ulyanovsk artist Olga Sheptalina took up the illustrations.
There are doors on the benches where you can put coffee or lemonade while enjoying reading. Now these literary art objects are traveling around Ulyanovsk and the Ulyanovsk region – they have visited city libraries, including the recently opened Pushkin Model Children's Library No. 24, and other libraries and schools in the region. There are many more routes ahead of them. The project helps to popularize literature and local history among the younger generation
Photo: archive of E. Novichkova.
Ulyanovsk UNESCO City of Literature, Centralized Library System of Ulyanovsk in cooperation with the Fund for Cultural Initiatives and Ulyanovsk Entrepreneurship Development Center organized a workshop for creative citizens.
‘How to Organize Your Business and Get a Grant’ event took place on November 1st in the Public Support Headquarters.25 people took part in the workshop. Subject matter experts shared their knowledge on how to start a business and create grant projects. A representative of the regional Ministry of Social Welfare shared useful information about social contracts.
Ulyanovsk UNESCO City of Literature is happy to share the good news! Velikiy Novgorod has joined the UNESCO Creative Cities Network and have been designated a Creative City of Music
Alexander Boldakin, the Head of Ulyanovsk congratulates Velikiy Novgorod!
Velikiy Novgorod became the fifth Russian city in the prestigious UNESCO Program and was noted for its strong commitment to placing culture and creative industries at the core of the municipal development strategy.
We wish our colleagues success and hope to develop partnerships!
The Creative Cities Network currently has 350 members from more than 100 countries. The Creative Cities’ goal is the sustainable development of municipalities through interregional and international cooperation.
Wed, 11/01/2023
On World Cities Day, 55 cities join the UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN), following their designation by UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay. New cities were acknowledged for their strong commitment to harnessing culture and creativity as part of their development strategies, and displaying innovative practices in human-centred urban planning. With the latest additions, the Network now counts 350 cities in more than one hundred countries, representing seven creative fields: Crafts and Folk Art, Design, Film, Gastronomy, Literature, Media Arts and Music. In Russia, Veliky Novgorod joined the creative cities, presenting a musical direction.
The new members of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network are:
Asaba – Film
Ashgabat – Design
Banja Luka – Music
Battambang – Gastronomy
Bissau – Music
Bolzano – Music
Bremen – Literature
Buffalo City – Literature
Bukhara – Crafts and Folk Art
Bydgoszcz – Music
Caen – Media Arts
Caracas – Music
Casablanca – Media Arts
Castelo Branco – Crafts and Folk Art
Cetinje – Design
Chaozhou – Gastronomy
Chiang Rai – Design
Chongqing – Design
Concepción – Music
Da Lat – Music
Fribourg – Gastronomy
Gangneung – Gastronomy
Granada[1] – Design
Gwalior – Music
Herakleion – Gastronomy
Hobart – Literature
Hoi An – Crafts and Folk Art
Iasi – Literature
Iloilo City – Gastronomy
Ipoh – Music
Kathmandu – Film
Kozhikode – Literature
Kutaisi – Literature
Mexicali – Music
Montecristi – Crafts and Folk Art
Montreux – Music
Nkongsamba – Gastronomy
Novi Sad – Media Arts
Okayama – Literature
Ouarzazate – Film
Oulu – Media Arts
Penedo – Film
Rio de Janeiro – Literature
Şanlıurfa – Music
Suphanburi – Music
Surakarta – Crafts and Folk Art
Taif – Literature
Toulouse – Music
Tukums – Literature
Ulaanbaatar – Crafts and Folk Art
Umngeni Howick – Crafts and Folk Art
Valencia – Design
Varaždin – Music
Veliky Novgorod – Music
Vicente Lopez – Film
The city of Lyon, Creative City of Media Arts since 2008, has been granted a status of a Creative City of Literature, following its request to change creative field.
Newly designated cities will cooperate with Network members to strengthen their resilience the face of evolving threats such as climate change, rising inequality, as well as rapid urbanization, with 68% of the world’s population projected to live in urban areas by 2050[2].
“The cities in our Creative Cities Network are leading the way when it comes to enhancing access to culture and galvanizing the power of creativity for urban resilience and development,” says Audrey Azoulay, UNESCO Director-General.
An upcoming policy paper – “The added value of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network at local, national and international level” – will testify to the leading role played by cities towards the achievement of the 2030 Agenda, while demonstrating ways in which UNESCO supports the UCCN members by fostering dialogue, peer-to-peer learning and collaboration.
The newly designated Creative Cities are invited to participate in the 2024 UCCN Annual Conference (1 - 5 July 2024) in Braga, Portugal, under the theme “Bringing Youth to the table for the next decade”
[1] Granada (Nicaragua)
31 October 2023